Three bandits, Brother Hu (tiger), Brother He (crane), and Yumian Fengjun, have chased the young Dongfang Yuechu to the border of Tushan that he has taken refuge inside. They attempt to cross into Tushan territory, but Tushan Honghong suddenly appears and repulses them for trespassing. They try to fight her, but are overwhelmed by her speed, strength, and skill. Rongrong and Yaya arrive and calculate entry fee's for the four that they will need to pay to ensure safe passage through Tushan. The three Daoists have no money and at Dongfang Yuechu's suggestion, the Tushan foxes take their Daoist weapons as payment. Dongfang pays his own fee, using the money he scammed off Fengjun. The three then spend their time in the Tushan resort along with Dongfang until their money is used up and they decide to wait outside the gate to recapture Dongfang when he runs out of money. Six months pass, and he still hasn't left Tushan, having been given a job as a "servant of servants" to pay for room and board in Tushan. Dongfang has decided to stay in Tushan, but Honghong still doesn't think he should stay due to how dangerous Tushan can be since in those days it was frequently under attack by Daoists. Suddenly, a ship launches a fire attack at the wall of Tushan.