Fox Spirit Matchmaker Wikia

However, turns out that Yan is too weak to defeat the head honcho Chilei. They remember he pledged 40% of his yaoli to his fabao so Yan and Lv try reuniting the Serene Amber Horn but they cannot. The 3-tailed Heihu that once possessed him consumed that 40% of yaoli to grow. So Bai Yuechu helps out using his extended staff and Xukong Zhilei to take out Chilei. With Yan and Lv reunited and the criminals arrested, Bai and Susu return home with the captured Heihu. Rongrong says she will send the Heihu to education prisons. When Bai tries to negotiate a bonus reward, Yaya brings out a love thermometer reading 20 degrees (celsius), meaning that Bai and Susu's love had not progressed for an entire year. She and Rongrong threaten to take it out of Bai's pay. Bai complains that this is his private affair, while Yaya retorts: this is not your private affair, this is the affair of all of Tushan.
