Fox Spirit Matchmaker Wikia

Qianyan Arc (千颜篇) focuses on the love between Yan Ruyu and Miss Wen. Their past life and flashbacks take place in the deserts of Xixiyu.

Qianyan means thousand faces. Below yaoli (妖力) refers to Spirit Power.

Season 4[]

Episode 49[]

A mysterious handsome young man named Yan Ruyu has been cucking yaoguai by stealing their reincarnated lovers. He is an expert shapeshifter that can change his looks into anything and anybody, including yaoguai and even women. He is an agent of the Shadow Foxes and steals the Spirit Power (妖力 yaoli) from those who made the Pledge of Love

Some of the cucked yaoguai try to fight Yan to stop him. Bai Yuechu appears and proceeds to wreck Yan. Yan reveals he has a paper (a list of names) that will allow him to become even more powerful and get revenge on Bai. Meanwhile Bai is currently being captured by the Spirit Police for skipping classes.

Episode 50[]

Turns out it was Bai's plan to have Yan Ruyu cuck the yaoguai. But why? Yan continues to go down the list of names, cucking yaoguai and steal yaoli from their lovers. Bai even tricks Yan into kissing Wang Fugui. Finally there is one last name on the list, one that frightens Yan, reminding him of his dark past: Xiao Wen.

Episode 51[]

Xiao Wen has an incredible sense of smell and can detect Yan through his many guises. But he is forced to seduce her if he wants her yaoli to defeat Bai. However, he has to act in her play. Moreover, she already has a boyfriend, Xuezang. But Yan caught Xuezang cheating on Wen, kissing another girl named Yemei. So he rats on him, and Wen gets angry at Xuezang. At this point Xuezang and Yemei reveal their true guises as bandits and kidnap Wen, forcing Yan to go after and save her.

Episode 52[]

Miss Wen was captured by the Chisha Modao, a powerful gang of four yaoguai: Xuezang the mouse, Yemei the ocelot, Jumu the tiger, and Chilei the dragon and head honcho. Jumu is about to lock up Miss Wen but it turns out that it was actually Yan in disguise. He tries to escape with her but is caught by the Chisha gang and locked up. But Yan shapeshifts again to trick the guard into freeing them. Yan and Wen then escape, but night is approaching quickly, and Chilei calls for yaoguai to hunt them. For some reason though, Chilei's call is not working.

Episode 53[]

It is revealed that Bai and Susu are working on a matchmaking assignment on Yan for Rongrong, who promises to give a Bai a 10% year bonus if he succeeds. Bai then orders the yaoguai to hunt down Yan and Wen--not to capture them but to put them in a constant state of danger to trigger their romantic feelings. Bai also put Memory Powder on Yan's clothes long ago so that he could remember his past life. However, night falls quickly and Yan transforms into his true form: an ugly red-nosed bull monster. He implores Wen to look away. Chisha Modao laugh at him, saying that he studied Daoist shapeshifting arts when young to conceal his appearance, but every 15th moon he reverts back to his true form.

Episode 54[]


True form of Yan Ruyu the bull spirit hiding in the mud from Xiao Wen

Flashback: Centuries ago, Yan was originally an ugly bull spirit who learned shapeshifting magic from Rongrong. He uses this to transform into handsome young men and sleep with girls all over town. However, he once met a lady who could smell through his disguise: Lv Jianwen. He kisses her without her consent, so she hires the Yiqidao league to search and arrest him. They find an ugly bull trapped in mud on the road. The Daoists are about to arrest him for looking ugly, but Miss Wen says that yaoguai and humans should be treated equally under the law, so they should not arrest based on looks. The beast is released but it is really Yan who used the mud to mask his scent. Sometime later, Miss Wen and her Daoist Spirit Police force are captured by Chisha Modao. Their leader Chilei eats the Daoists and is about to kill Wen when Yan jumps in last minute to rescue her, frightening the Chisha with his iron fist. Wen thanks Yan for saving her but cannot forgive him for defiling innocent girls and vows to arrest him next time. Wen tells Yan that perhaps yaoguai can sleep with whomever they like, but in the human world, if you love a woman, you must take care of her for the rest of your life.

Episode 55[]

Yan takes Wen's advice and meets a woman one night. The woman is wooed by his handsome looks and says she would be happy to indulge in a one-night stand (since she already married a rich man). However, Yan says he wants to protect her for life, after which she kicks him out of her bedroom. Yan then revisits Rongrong at Tushan to learn how to seduce his crush Miss Wen. Rongrong says that he should stop stealing and defiling girls and learn to change something besides his face.

Meanwhile, Wen is planning how to capture the Chisha gang. Her adviser suggests they use Yan to lure them, but she is disgusted by Yan and refuses.

Yan travels around trying to figure what he should change. Chisha Modao spirits Xuezang, Yemei, and Jumu apologize for the other day and acknowledge Yan as their new leader. He asks how to pick up girls, and they say he should do so by kidnaps, threats, and force. No thanks. They then steal a book on how to pick up girls (in a more civilized way). One tip is to figure out what she likes.

Yan then threatens Wen's adviser by pulling down his pants into telling him what Wen likes. He learns that Wen likes catching criminals and abiding by the law. So Yan ties up Xuezang and Yemei and turns them in to Wen as criminals, while helping an old lady walk slowly. Wen still arrests Yan for his own crimes and throws he, Xuezang, and Yemei in prison.


Meanwhile, that night she and the Daoists plan to capture Chilei who is resting in a volcano. However, Jumu jumps in last moment to hijack her plans.

Episode 56[]

Turns out that Chilei lured Lv Jianwen into a trap by using Jumu to spread a false signal that Chilei was weak. Chilei explains that Lv previously killed his lover Flame Medusa, so he swore revenge. Chilei traps her and the Daoists in magma. However, one of the Daoists breaks them free. It is Yan Ruyu in disguise! He swapped places with one of the prison guards after hearing Chilei's plan from the incarcerated Xuezang and Yemei. However, Chilei pulls one ace out of his stomach: a giant pearl that casts the light of the moon on Yan, which starts transforming him. Lv shields him using her umbrella and then own clothes, while Yan figures out that she knew back then that he was the beast hiding in the mud. Lv then tags him with Dixing Fu, which makes him sink into the ground to save him from the light. She tells him that she will take on Chilei herself and that if she does not make it out alive, asks Yan to turn himself in.

Episode 57[]

When Lv was young, she also had a big nose and was bullied because of it. She was born with it as all in her clan had keen sense of smell and had big noses before they grew up. Back in present, Lv attempts to use her Inescapable Net (天罗地网 Tianluo Diwang) but fails. The chains are so hot that Chilei can control them being a fire dragon. However, Yan breaks out from the ground in full bull beast form, resistant to Chilei's fire because he grew up in Kongxian Shan by the flames. He charges at Chilei with the Tianluo Diwang chains and pierces him through shoulders, dissipating Chilei's yaoli and capturing him. Lv's Daoist coterie celebrates, but Lv still insists on arresting Yan alongside Chilei. Chilei then chuckles, saying that Yan could never get a high class police woman like Lv and that humans are always cold hearted, even arresting the ones that save them. Hearing this, Yan thinks of all the times that Lv said she would arrest him and how all his companion yaoguai urged him to continue living as a bandit rather than law-abiding citizen. Yan enraged stabs himself with the Tianluo Diwang chains and turns himself in to Lv, yelling that in she will always see him as a criminal.

Episode 58[]

Back in present, it turns out that Yan (in beast form) is being possessed by a 3-tailed Black Fox demon. Driven by hate and manipulated by the Heihu, he is about to kill Lv. However, Bai Yuechu jumps in last moment and calms him down, evoking his past memories more. Chisha Modao then attacks Bai, but he retaliates with Chunzhi Yangyan. The 3-tailed Heihu then uses Yan to attack Bai, but then Susu uses her bare fists to wrangle and pull the Heihu out of Yan's body. Bai then uses a bottle of Nong Spring (农夫泉) to capture the Heihu. Purged of the demon, Yan then asks if Lv loved him in the past. She does not remember, so Bai helps out by using Memory Mallets on them.

Episode 59[]

Flashback: traveling through the desert on camel, as Yan is taken back to prison, Lv suddenly enters his carriage cell and closes the blinds. They stop by the Kuqing Tree, and Lv begins interrogating him. Yan answers a series of written questions, and his answers put together say:

"I Yan Ruyu am willing to use 4% of my spirit power to pledge that next life we will meet" (我 颜如玉,愿意使用,四成妖力,起誓qishi,让我们,来世,相见).

[This is a Heart Oath, and this part uses special play on words and cultural references, poems, and songs in the Chinese language.]

Rongrong comments on how stubborn and clever Lv is. The Kuqing Tree hears their Heart Oath. Lv then explains that when she first met Yan, he saw him kill a person who beat up their father. She explains that Yan was wreckless because he did not know the rules of the human world and that although he committed many crimes, he was quick to learn, redeemed himself with good deeds, and saved her many times. So no matter how many years he has to serve in prison--even to death--Lv hopes to meet Yan in her next life.

On his way back, Yan sees that his Serene Amber Horn is glowing and realizes that it was used as a fabao and that his answers to Lv's questions were actually his Heart Oath. He celebrates as he realizes that Lv loves him.

Episode 60[]

Yan was sentenced to only 60 years in Huntian Prison, redeemed because of his good deeds. There, he quickly beats up the most powerful yaoguai and wins recognition as the new boss around Huntian. Yan is quite cheerful. Meanwhile, Lady Heihu rises ominously from the sea surrounding the Huntian Prison island. She tells Yan that 60 years is not long for a yaoguai but could be a lifetime for a human. She says that Lv would never love him in this lifetime, and even if he escapes that would not be her wish. Even in the next lifetime, Lv would not remember whom he is. This makes Yan enraged in despair, but the Shadow Spirit tricks him into consuming a small Heihu spirit, saying it will help him live happily in this life and forget about Lv. Yaya breaks in too late to stop the Shadow spirit, creating a hole in the prison wall and freezing to death the yaoguai who try to escape. Yaya demands Yan to tell her what the Black fox did and threatens to kill him. But Rongrong tells her to let him go. They leave, unaware that the Heihu had already possessed Yan.

Episode 61[]

Yan faints from consuming the yaoguai and forgets why he is in prison. He breaks out from Yaya's ice sealing the prison wall, flying over the sea while other yaoguai escape prison too. Lady Heihu sneers saying Yan became a container to breed her new general, the Three-tailed Black spirit, who consumes the 40% of yaoli he made in the Heart Oath to grow. Yan tries to remember his past, but experiences immense pain. Lady Heihu tells him not to struggle and to forget his past with Lv. Later Yan, Lv, and some Daoists get captured by Jumu the tiger and new boss. In the Chisha prison, Lv apparently does not recognize Yan while her fellow Daoists do. Yan does not recognize Lv either. Lv devises a plan to escape whereby Yan pretends to be a prison guard forcing himself on her. As Yan shapeshifts into one of the guards and takes off Lv's clothes, he has a flashback and almost remembers her when suddenly the Heihu inside of him bursts, destroying the cell gate.

Episode 62[]

The possessed Yan goes on another rampage and KOs Jumu while fleeing the scene. Lv is left to defend herself from the Chisha gang, but Yan returns saving her and placing her near a forest by the mountain. Lv then makes her new home here, while Yan oversees her from the mountain for 50 years, getting covered in snow. After Lv dies, he remembers his promise to Lv and turns himself back to Huntian Prison--against his Shadow Fox's orders--where he served another 30 years. But by then, his mind was completely controlled by the Heihu.

Back to present, Yan and Lv remember their past love, understanding that Yan's was completely controlled by the Heihu. Rongrong is furious, swearing revenge on the Heihu for manipulating her disciple. Bai gives Yan an Immemorial Blackstone (万年黑石) from Rongrong that will absorb the moon's power and allow Yan to stay in human form forever. Meanwhile, based on a law from the Yiqidao League, all the crimes committed by those possessed by Heihu will be put on on the Black Fox Spirit, so Yan is free. They celebrate, while Yan defeats and arrests the Chisha Modao for a hefty bounty.

Episode 63[]

However, turns out that Yan is too weak to defeat the head honcho Chilei. They remember he pledged 40% of his yaoli to his fabao so Yan and Lv try reuniting the Serene Amber Horn but they cannot. The 3-tailed Heihu that once possessed him consumed that 40% of yaoli to grow. So Bai Yuechu helps out using his extended staff and Xukong Zhilei to take out Chilei. With Yan and Lv reunited and the criminals arrested, Bai and Susu return home with the captured Heihu. Rongrong says she will send the Heihu to education prisons. When Bai tries to negotiate a bonus reward, Yaya brings out a love thermometer reading 20 degrees (celsius), meaning that Bai and Susu's love had not progressed for an entire year. She and Rongrong threaten to take it out of Bai's pay. Bai complains that this is his private affair, while Yaya retorts: this is not your private affair, this is the affair of all of Tushan.

