Fox Spirit Matchmaker Wikia

Du Niangzi (毒娘子) or Venom Widow[1] is one of Luolan's Five Guards. Her husband is Du Fuzi.


She looks like a beautiful young buxom brunette with a long red robe, red lipstick, and red eyes.

She wore a Golden Silk Crest on her head. It used to contain a spider that was her transformed husband Du Fuzi, until Wangquan Fugui released him.


She fell in love Du Fuzi 600 years ago. She was then attacked by the Wangquan Clan and fell unconscious. But the Wang clan made a deal with her husband Du Fuzi, turning him into a spider caged in her Gold Silk Crest hat in exchange for sparing her life.

When she woke up, she could not find her husband and thought he was killed. She swore revenge and planted spies including Qingtong to gather intel on the Wang clan Yiqidao League.

When she hunted down Wang Fugui, she was about to kill him, but he used his Wangquan Blade to release her husband from her hat and remove his curse. Her husband then transformed back into human form, and they lived happily ever after, worshipping Wang Fugui and thanking him for restoring their love.


  • In Chinese, Du means poison, Niangzi means lady
  • In some English translations, she is called a 'widow' but she is actually not a widow since her husband is still alive.


  1. In Episode 69, it is revealed her husband is still alive, so she is not a widow. Also Niangzi means lady and is used as a form of address to one's wife.